First I seasoned the lamb with salt and pepper and a home made "ras al hanout" Ras al hanout is just a moroccan spice blend that contains any number of spices. The recipes I found for it were very similiar to a Garam Masala blend I already had so I just tweaked it a bit with additional cinnamon and cardamom. It turned out to be the perfect flavor.
Make sure to get both sides.
Then I seared the rack on all sides in a hot pan.
Then I put the pan in the 400 degree oven for 20 minutes.
I checked the lamb temp and it was 140 so I put it to the side on a plate while I made the pan sauce. It was a reduction of Shiraz, agave nectar and honey. I love the flavor of agave nectar, but I am unsure of how it does with heat, so I still added some honey.
After the lamb had rested for about 10 minutes I cut it into chops and drizzled with the sauce. I wish I had a picture of the finished product, but my hungry hoard came in and started devouring them before they made it to the plate.
The meat was tender and delicous and the sauce was a wonderful complement to the spices on the lamb. It really was great. Now would I make it again? Probably not. Rack of lamb is pretty expensive and not a cost effective way to feed my kids. Lamb chops are delicious, but they are tiny with about 3-4 bits each. With my crowd of big eaters it just didn't work. Now I just have to figure out how to get that wonderful flavor in a more practical protein, Hrm- pork? What do you think?

Yeah, that's a pretty expensive dish, but I'll bet it was all worth it! That lamb looks delicious, and the sauce ... well, wine, agave nectar and honey? Heh. Yeah, that sounds fantastic.
Lamb is a favorite of ours when entertaining friends. So many people are afraid of cooking lamb, and we quite enjoy it.
And the flavor of lamb is just so different from all other meat options.
Thanks for your recipe to try, and lucky us we have company this weekend, I will let you know how we make out with your recipe.
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